Gerald Basten's Testimonial
To whom it may concern, I was introduced to Jeff Stephenson and his emission reduction device in October 2006, and have been impressed with its results ever since. I am directly involved with the installation and monitoring of eleven Quantum Devices in the field to date, all showing positive results.
I am currently employed as the mechanic for School District #78 Fraser Cascade, in charge of the repairs and maintenance of fourteen busses, eleven support vehicles, and numerous pieces of equipment relating to the operations of schools. I also hold the position of Deputy Fire Chief for the Agassiz Fire Department. The department operates six pieces of fire apparatus, a mobile generator, and numerous small engines. In both environments toxic emissions are a great concern. The "QUANTUM DEVICE" has been a welcome addition to our emission reduction programs.
I currently have three units installed and in regular use on busses, with posttlve mechanical results, as well as feed back from the operators of the units. On the mechanical side, the problem of crankcase oil discharge from the vent tube is no longer an issue as well as toxic emissions are no longer able to enter the passenger compartment of the buss. When installed the unit creates a small vacuum in the crankcase which in turn draws out the vent gasses, as well with a vacuum as opposed to crankcase pressure minor oil leaks are virtually eliminated. Other findings include, virtually no exhaust smell, engine vibrations are greatly reduced, engine oil appears cleaner for a longer period of time, engine operating temperatures are lower, and power is increased. With the power increase it appears to have in return decreased fuel consumption, directly affecting operating costs. The drivers of all three units continue to give positive reports in regards to the above noted findings.
The Agassiz Fire Department currently uses this system on one of its engines, again with positive results. It is a gasoline powered big block V -8 engine with a unit on both the PCV system and fuel supply line. Comments from driver I operators are very similar to those findings put forward by the buss drivers. The department plans on having these devices installed on all of its equipment in the future.
Personally, I have devises installed on both of my private vehicles as well as my lawnmower. I do not put a lot of miles on my 2003 Ford Expedition, but still have noticed considerable positive affects, such as, near nil exhaust smell, smoother engine running, clean engine oil, and increased power. My lawnmower is a fairly recent install, but the results are amazing. The mower would not start this year as it is getting old and tired. After installing the device and changing the spark plug, the mower started and after a few uses runs better than ever. I replaced the new spark plug with the old one with no change in performance. The spark plug actually cleaned up, and its appearance looked new. Again exhaust smells are near gone, vibration greatly reduced, and stall power increased. My 1999 Volkswagen Jetta has the greatest results, understandably as it puts on the bulk of miles. It is the turbo diesel model with 240,000 plus kilometers.
The diesel engines are plagued with problems of carboning up the intake manifolds were the EGR valve is mounted. This model already recirculates the exhaust gasses without any filtering of the oil vapor, causing an oily mixture to be introduced into the intake manifold were the EGR is. This combination of hot exhaust gasses and oily charged air make for a hard carbon formation on the walls of the intake manifold. I was aware of this problem when I purchased the car and was going to repair it at its next service interval. When I went to remove the manifold to clean it I noticed that the formation had softened to a soft tar type coating that was substantially reduced from the original inspection. I did not carry on with the repair, instead I am monitoring it to see if it cleans itself completely. As well, the usual findings of reduced vibration and exhaust smell were observed, along with increased power and fuel economy. The car used to emit smoke from the tail pipe after prolonged idle or hard acceleration, and that is no longer evident.
All in all, it is safe to stay that I am very impressed with the overall results of the unit. The device has demonstrated very impressive positive results with no negative drawbacks. In my experiences, the unit has been easy and quick to install with no maintenance issues to worry about. In my previous position as an automotive mechanic, I was a certified "Air Care" repair technician and so have worked with emission related issues for fifteen plus years. All the emission reduction components were post combustion, dealing with the problem after the fact. The Quantum is a pre combustion device, treating combustion gasses before combustion, and so emitting fewer emissions that need to be treated. I myself feel that this is a revolutionary device that I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone who is looking for overall improvements to the operation of there vehicle.

Sincerely, Gerald Basten Mechanic Trades Qualification# 1428-AM-90 Commercial Vehicle Inspection# M04415-2 604-819-5570
Wayne Lakerveld's Testimonial
My name is Wayne Lakerveld. I maintain a fleet of 13 tow trucks. I have tried Jeffs system on two of our trucks. The first is a 1995 Ford Powerstroke that had approximately 350 OOOkm when we installed it. The truck is notoriously smokey, especially when cold if it is not plugged in. It consumed about 4-5 liters of oil between its 5000 km oil changes. Since installing the unit, the oil consumption has dropped to 1 liter between oil changes and the engine oil is much cleaner when we change it. The idle quality has improved dramatically. One of the biggest things I have noticed is when we forget to plug the truck in, when it starts; there is almost no smoke at all which is a huge improvement. The truck used to leave a thick fog of blue smoke before putting the unit on. The trucks exhaust used to be really bad when the operators worked the controls for the wrecker (used to make your eyes water etc), but since the unit, it is much better.
The second truck we installed the unit on is a 2004 6.0liter Ford. In the first 100 000, we had several drivability issues with the truck related to carbon in the intake system (caused by the EGR system etc). We installed the unit at about 110 OOOkm and noticed right away the same improvements in the idle and part throttle performance and the exhaust smell. The best part for me was that when the head gaskets (slight external leak) were replaced, the technician noted that he has never seen a turbo charger that clean on the inside. The technician noted that the variable turbo charger is known for sticking due to carbon build up, especially on the standard transmissions. The new diesel emission standards have made it necessary to have EGR systems and closed crankcase ventilation, with this we have heard and seen a lot of carbon build up issues. I look forward to trying this system on more of my trucks.
Raymond Zervnini's Testimonial