Quantum Accelerator Technical Info
The science behind our technology involves a number of well proven fundamentals combining chemistry and quantum physics. In itself, chemistry alone does not explain how improved combustion reactions contribute to improvements to an engine's function, such as an increase in torque or reduction in exhaust temperature. Likewise, quantum physics does not clearly explain the intricate chemical reactions involving catalytic modifications. However, the study of both sciences combined with extensive in-field research and development has consistently proven the merits of our technology to the science professionals as well as the operator of the equipment.
As most of us know a theory on paper is just a theory until it can be demonstrated consistently in the field. We have seven years of uncompromised success in the field and fortunately the theories provide an accurate explanation.
Industry professionals are aware, crankcase emissions are very toxic and difficult to deal with. Since many of the compounds in these emissions are carcinogenic, strict emissions regulations are forcing engine manufactures to recycle these gases. Engines do not tolerate well the coagulating and poor combusting characteristics of these toxic gases. Since oil vapor does not burn as well as fuel it is understandable why engines perform poorly and exhaust emissions become worse when these gases are recycled.

It is important to note that these emissions cannot be filtered and simply vented in the atmosphere as they are still toxic. Filtering systems are now being implemented on many recycled crankcase systems simply to prolong the engine's durability by capturing the larger, more coagulating compounds before the engine can ingest them.
Maintenance becomes a concern as excessive contamination restricts the flow of crankcase gases. The vapours that do pass through the filter still do not bum as well as the fuel often resulting in reduced performance, excess exhaust emissions and even prematurely dark engine oil.
Our technology deals with these complex and toxic compounds as would an oil refinery. Although oil refining techniques have been used for many decades, they are virtually unknown in the applications of emissions modifications for the purpose of combustion improvement. Crankcase emissions contain the same molecular compounds as crude oil many of which are susceptible to reforming procedures. There are many types of catalytic processes developed to effectively modify oil compounds but only certain types of select modifications will yield desirable results for the intended purpose. Exhaust catalysts, for example, are simply designed to decompose the hydrocarbon compounds into their constituent atoms subsequently allowing them to be oxidized. They also produce exothermic reactions which, under many conditions are not tolerable without careful considerations given to their location.
Our interests however, lie in endothermic reactions. The chemistry encompassing these types of reactions may be described as follows: "a reaction in which heat is absorbed in going from reactants to products. The reactants are at a lower energy state than the products". In this particular application the oil vapours enter at a low energy state and exit at a higher energy state as a result of the select chemical reactions. The chemical reactions involving catalytic modifications are very complex but a brief description of one example is as follows: "Bi functional catalysts containing hydrogenation promoters on an acidic support are used to process heavy oil feeds in the petroleum industry.
The oil feeds are composed of paraffins, other saturates, and aromatics - all complex molecules. The catalyst starts the breakdown of the components in the hydrocarbon compounds by forming from them carbonium ions that are positively charged molecular fragments, via the protons (H±) in the acidic function. These ions are so reactive that they change their internal molecular structure spontaneously breaking down into smaller fragments. In general, free radicals are formed by the hemolytic rupture of a bond in a stable molecule with the production of two fragments, each with an unpaired electron. The resulting free radicals may participate in further reactions". Molecules with unpaired electrons are generally unstable and it is this instability which promotes further chemical reactions amongst other hydrocarbon compounds.
When crankcase gases are modified in such a way as to become unstable after leaving the catalytic system, their coagulating characteristics are not only minimized, but they assist in the decomposition of larger more complex hydrocarbons including fuels and oil vapors. This characteristic is very important in that these freshly modified gases do not contaminate the intake system of the engine, but, rather, assist to decontaminate sticky otherwise insoluble hydrocarbons from not only the intake track, but from the valves and even piston rings. Years of field experience has consistently demonstrated the merits of this feature with many engines even having had their compression restored by the dislodging of hydrocarbon residue from piston rings.

Long-term test engine indicates completely clean intake manifold in result of modified crankcase emissions.
Tens of thousands of hours accumulated with hundreds of engines over the past seven years has also demonstrated that this system does not become restricted and does not wear out regardless of the age of the engine or its maintenance characteristics.
This is only one part of the equation however. It has also been repeatedly demonstrated that engines respond extremely well to the ingestion of freshly modified crankcase gases. This perhaps, is where quantum physics becomes applicable. It has been reasonably well established that combustion reactions are initiated and propagated by complex chemical reactions involving reactive intermediates, or rather, radicals.
Highly energetic radicals, usually produced from colliding fuel molecules are believed to be responsible for combustion reactions because of their highly energetic state and subsequent ability to decompose and propagate further chemical reactions with surrounding molecules. This is the underlying reason why many fuel additives are able to produce more power from an engine.
For several decades' the highly reactive ethyl radical attached to a lead carrier was used to influence the combustion of aviation engines for improved performance. In any given combustion system involving hydrocarbons, reactive intermediates are largely responsible for determining the rate and intensity of the chemical reactions involving combustion.

Our crankcase catalyst for a car engine.
To the human eye, the flame begins and proceeds almost instantly, when in fact is must follow the fragments of shattered atoms resulting from the random molecular collisions. When these events are not controlled, the flame itself becomes disrupted because the larger molecules of fuel are not decomposing consistently. Since the unbroken molecules are not burnable until broken they disrupt the flame's progression. This not only creates rough combustion, but poor decomposition characteristics produce toxic emissions. Toxic exhaust emissions such as NOX, are also produced from excessively violent combustion such as when large fuel molecules absorb so much energy that they decompose almost instantly producing excessive shock waves known as detonation.
It is very interesting to note that all commonly used fuels such as natural gas, alcohol, gasoline and even diesel fuel are all made up of the same building blocks, hydrogen and carbon. There are considerable differences in how they bum, however. Poor quality fuels such as low octane gasoline burns with as much heat energy as the highest grade of aviation fuel. It is how the heat energy is released during the combustion process that determines the conversion of heat energy into pressure and ultimately power.
It is no coincidence that the most preferable high performance fuels in aviation or racing contain considerable amounts of reactive compounds.
The significant differences between most fuels and the engines adapted to burn them, ideally, should end in the combustion chamber. Essentially, fire is fire, regardless of the fuel used. Diesel engines can be made to burn as smoke free as gasoline, and other toxins such as unburned fuel and carbon monoxide can be significantly reduced if the complex chemical reactions in the fire can be manipulated. Years of extensive research and development has determined that we can effectively and inexpensively modify combustion reactions into producing much cleaner emissions and significantly improved performance from virtually all combustion systems.

It is important to note, when the chemical reactions of fire are more controlled, that the cleaner the emissions become, the more an engine's performance improves. As well the smoother, less intense combustion process will reduce vibration and extend the engine's life. Several hundred engines in various commercial operating environments in total have accumulated tens of millions of kilometers with some engines having more than 6,000 hours each, using this technology, with no maintenance concerns.
Our technology will work alone or in conjunction with any existing emissions control equipment on the engine, and in fact, will aid in their cleanliness and long term function. A relatively simple retrofit, which can be accomplished in field, is all that is necessary. There are no modifications required to the engine and the technology can be adapted to fit virtually any engine. It will last indefinitely and there are no additives or servicing required.

Ford intake before Ford and intake after four hours with device