Selected Customer Vehicles

1978 Ford Diesel tow-truck

This vehicle belonged to Hope towing, it was the worst vehicle in the fleet of tow trucks. Since it was the worst vehicle in the fleet, they really didn't care too much about it, and did zero maintenance on it (1 year oil changes). The vehicle was used to travel up the Cochala about 6 times per day, the Cochala is 30km mountain with a 17km 8% grade. After installing the device, the driver noticed a huge change in performance. The driver could actually shift up from 4th to 5th gear when climbing the mountain, increased speed from 60km/h to 80km/h, smoother sounding/running, less vibration and a 40% savings in fuel.

The mechanic would take off the device without telling the driver as a test of performance. The driver would notice power loss on the first uphill climb and would immediately return to the shop. When the driver transferred to another company, he desperately wanted another device for the new truck because he said that diesels are not nice to drive without this device installed. The acceleration is double that of a normal diesel engine. The temperature would always stay low even on long uphill climbs, the vibration was always less and the engine was quieter. The device was installed in September 2000 to present.

2002 Chevy 3/4 Ton 4x4 Extended Cab with a 6.6L Turbo charged, inter-cooled, Duramax V8 Diesel w/open crankcase vent.

The vehicle has approx 30,000km and gets about+/- 17 mpg in the city, and +/-24 mpg on the highway. After installing the device, the owner noticed it was smoother, quieter +-50%, improved acceleration, better shifting (automatic transmission), more engine braking, absolutely no exhaust odor from unburned fuel in the exhaust, improved torque and pulling power. They say that the Duramax diesel is one of the smoothest and quietest diesel engines in the industry and yet the device still reduced combustion noise and diesel rattle significantly, and we also enclosed the open crank vent eliminating a source of toxic emissions.

1993 Dodge 3/4 Ton 4x4 Extended Cab with a 5.8L straight 6, turbo charged, intercooler Diesel w/open crankcase vent

The vehicle has approx 30,000km and gets about+/- 17 mpg in the city, and +/-24 mpg on the highway. After installing the device, the owner noticed it was smoother, quieter +-50%, improved acceleration, better shifting (automatic transmission), more engine braking, absolutely no exhaust odor from unburned fuel in the exhaust, improved torque and pulling power. They say that the Duramax diesel is one of the smoothest and quietest diesel engines in the industry and yet the device still reduced combustion noise and diesel rattle significantly, and we also enclosed the open crank vent eliminating a source of toxic emissions.

1993 Dodge 3/4 Ton 4x4 Extended Cab with a 5.8L straight 6, turbo charged, intercooler Diesel w/open crankcase vent-

The vehicle has approx, 150,000km and gets about +/- 9.5mpg in the city, and +/- 16mpg on the highway. Before installing the device, the engine oil would become black in approx 1 week or 200km of driving, smoky exhaust, noisy engine (diesel rattle). After the device was installed, the engine was approx, 50% quieter, no longer smokes, mileage when to 17mpg in the city and 22mpg on the highway. The engine runs cooler, less vibration, has an increase power and acceleration. The oil is spotless after 6 months of city driving (approx, 5000km). An older device was installed in June 2001 to June 2003 and upgraded to a newer device in June 2003 to present. They have noticed a significant improvement with the newer unit.

1989 Ford 3/4 Ton 4x4 Extended Cab, with a 7.3L V8 turbo Diesel, 5-speed transmission.

The vehicle has approx. 120,000km and 10,000km on a rebuilt engine and gets about 8mpg city and 11 mpg highway. Before the device was installed, the engine was very noisy (diesel rattle), no smoke in the exhaust, temperature was in the middle of the gauge, power was unimpressive, exhaust temperature climbs rapidly to 1200F (max) on even short up hill climbs at highway speeds. The driver was unable to hear anything in the cab but load diesel rattle on the highway. The engine was unable to sustain 5th gear up 8% grade at 90km/h. After the device was installed, the engine (diesel rattle) noise reduced 50-70% on the highway, significant improvements in to torque and acceleration, 5th gear easily held at 1 OOkmlh up 8% grade, exhaust temperature dropped to Y4 on gauge under all driving conditions regardless of engine load, fuel economy improved to 16mpg city and 22 mpg highway, engine rattle (combustion noise) is reduced to the point of being able to hear the turbo charger whistle when under load. The Unit was installed in Sep 2000- June 2003, upgraded to a newer device in June 2003- present

1984 Ford 1/2 ton extended cab, 7.3L V8 non Turbo Diesel, 5-speed Standard.

Fuel economy before was 4km/litre pulling a trailer, 6km/litre without trailer. Noticeable smoke during acceleration and somewhat less at idle, engine noise was considerable (diesel rattle) and performance was sluggish.

After the device was installed, performance improved dramatically and owner spent many hours showing engine and device to friends, combustion noise decreased at least 50%, fuel consumption improved to 6.6km/litre pulling the trailer and 8km/litre without the trailer, smoke emissions reduced to being completely unnoticeable and air-care tests on the dyno indicated lower emissions than even brand new emission controlled diesels (.5% opacity). The device was installed in Feb 2001- present.

1986 Ford 314 ton extended cab, 6.9L V8 non Turbo Diesel, automatic.

Extremely noise combustion (diesel rattle) to the point where both driver and passenger wore ear plugs on highway drives (camping trips), performance was very sluggish and smoke was considerable, exhaust temperature readings where about 400F on a level highway, quite high, normal is about 300F. Fuel economy was about 12mpg average city and highway, air-care readings were high at 40% opacity.

After installation the driver immediately noticed performance increase with snappier acceleration and increased pulling power, shifting improved dramatically, combustion noise decreased at least 75% and the ear plugs where discarded, fuel economy rose to 19mpg and professional air-care tests indicated an opacity of 8%. Exhaust temperature dropped to 300F on highway, level driving (25% less than before). The device was installed in Feb 2001 -Oct 2002- Owner removed the device for his motor home and sold the truck.

2001 Chevy 314 ton 4x4 Extended cab, 6.5 V8 Turbo Diesel, automatic.

The vehicle had considerable problems with smoking, a new turbo did not solve the problem. Fuel economy was 18mpg Average city and highway, oil was extremely dark even shortly after oil changes, performance was good, exhaust odor was considerable with having a high degree of unburned fuel in it, temperatures where normal.

After installation, the smoke became unnoticeable and contained no odor, fuel economy improved, temperatures dropped slightly under normal, no load, driving. Oil remained clean and combustion noise decreased dramatically. The device was installed in Aug 2003 - present

1985 Gravel truck, tandem axle, 400hp Cat engine, turbo without intercooler.

The vehicle has very smoky exhaust, considerable vibration and engine combustion noise. Engine temperature up hill with load is about 200F, extreme amounts of blow-by gases emitted from vent tube, sluggish performance.

After installation, the combustion noise reduced at least 50%, performance improved considerably, long up hill climbs would be maid in 5th gear and temperatures remained below normal. Vibration was reduced and fuel economy improved approx 35%. As a service vehicle, road trips were very short, but occasional long highway trips yielded significant improvements in fuel economy, well over 35%. The driver explained emphatically that he would never drive this truck without a device installed.

1999 Dodge 314 Ton extended cab, 4x4, 5.9L 6cyl turbo charged, inter-cooled Diesel, automatic.

This is a commercial vehicle with approx. 200,000 highway km. The vehicle has poor engine braking on long downhill's, sluggish performance, when the turbo was not spooled up, performance was lackluster at best, temperatures under load were normal but exhaust temperature rose quickly to 1200F max on uphill climbs, transmission shifted sluggishly and ran hot, engine noise (combustion rattle) and vibration where significant. After installation, an immediate reduction in vibration and almost eliminated the combustion noise. Power increased and acceleration before turbo spool up improved dramatically. In fact, the driver couldn't believe the improvements in performance and engine responsiveness. Temperatures dropped, including transmission temperature, and shifting improved. On long highway drives the engine was almost silent, temperatures where low and power was immediate when needed. The device was installed in May 2003.

1997 Chevy 1 Ton, 6.5L turbo Diesel, Automatic transmission, delivery truck.

The vehicle has approx. 70,000km on a brand new engine, very noisy combustion rattle, sluggish acceleration and unimpressive performance on long up hills, difficult to maintain speeds over 100kmlh on level highway. Engine oil becomes black quickly after fresh oil changes. Driver puts on over 3000km per day.

After installation, immediate and significant drop in combustion noise, engine runs very smooth and quiet. The electric fan on the radiator can even be heard. Performance improved to the point where the driver consistently maintains high highway speeds. Acceleration improved dramatically and now this diesel van accelerates much like a gasoline car. Fuel economy improved a minimum of 20% in spite of significantly higher cruising speeds. Shifting improved and temperatures dropped. Engine oil remains noticeably cleaner and any visible exhaust smoke was eliminated. The device was installed in July 2003 -present.

Isuzu 5 Ton, 6cylinder Turbo charged Diesel, 5-speed delivery truck.

Before the device was installed the truck had very smoky exhaust, poor performance and acceleration, over heats on hills, emits more smoke from open crankcase vent than it does from the exhaust, driver is very, very aggressive and the engine is abused constantly, as a result the engine has frequent break downs and maintenance expenses were staggering.

After installation, the immediate improvements in performance and acceleration superseded the drivers ability to control the vehicle and he was forced to accelerate smoother or he would lunge into the ditch. The increased performance allowed the driver to accelerate hard without abusing the truck and high speeds were achieved with minimal throttle input. The oil maintained its cleanliness and maintenance and repair costs became minimal.

Fuel economy improved approx. 50% and smoke opacity was reduced approx. 75%. The engine ran considerably cooler even on long, steep hill climbs. This delivery truck runs 10 hour days, 6 days per week under some of the worst driving conditions imaginable. Steep, winding highways and temperatures of 35C to over 40C with an aggressive driver who doesn't respect his equipment. In spite of this the engine is now so smooth and quiet it is almost unbelievable. The device was installed in Dec 2001 -Feb 2003, newer device installed in Feb2003 -present.

1972 Case tractor, 60hp, 4cylinder non-turbo Diesel.

This engine had problems with the valves sticking and as a result had oil spitting out the exhaust, at night sparks were frequently flying from the exhaust into the air. Also the rings were sticking and combustion pressures caused significant oil contamination. Fresh oil became immediately contaminated with black carbon. Engine performance was very poor and as a result the governor would fluctuate the engine speeds constantly while working in the field. Low power levels made fieldwork difficult and tedious. Also black exhaust smoke constantly poured from the muffler and the open crankcase vent emitted almost as much toxic clouds of oil vapor and contaminants.

After installation, the first immediate improvement was, of course, the elimination of the toxic clouds of crankcase vent gases because it was now enclosed and recycled. The oil remained perfectly clean in spite of continuous hours of fieldwork, over 300hours. The valves and rings became unstuck as the carbon was cleared out. As a result oil and sparks no longer flew out of the exhaust. The muffler no longer glowed orange from the intense heat and actually became only warm to the touch. Most impressive however, aside from the remarkable oil cleanliness, was the performance increase. The tractor could work steadily under heavy load in the field and the tachometer remained motionless at its setting. This means that the engine now had enough power to easily maintain a steady RPM under load without governor hunting. As well, the combustion sound became much quieter and smoother to the point where ear plugs were no longer necessary.

Oil cavitations were eliminated because of the rings being unstuck allowing much fewer contaminants and combustion pressures to escape past the rings into the lower crankcase, as well, as having a slight vacuum applied to the crankcase by re-circulating the blow-by gases. This means simply that the engine has a much-improved lubricating system which will significantly extend its service life. The owner was and still is extremely pleased with the improvements to his tractor. The device was installed in June 2001- present.